Affiliate Marketing: 5 Easy Ways To Make Money With No Website Or Product Of Your Own

Steven Droege
5 min readNov 23, 2022



When you think of the word “marketing”, what comes to mind? If you’re like most people, you probably think about advertising and flashy sales pitches. And while these tactics have their place, there’s a different kind of marketing that makes use of your skills as an online content creator. It’s called affiliate marketing, and it can be incredibly lucrative if done right.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts. The affiliate marketer attracts customers to the merchant’s website using affiliative links contained within ads, in emails and on social media. When that happens, the affiliate earns a commission on any sale generated by this effort.

The best way to explain how it works is through an example: Say you want to sell something on Amazon or eBay but don’t have enough money or time to run your own eCommerce site. That’s where affiliate marketing comes in; you can promote products offered through these platforms without having to set up an entire store yourself!

How to Create an Affiliate Marketing Funnel

Once you’ve created your product and landing page, the next step is to create your email opt-in form. This should be a simple, one-page form that asks for only the most basic information: name, email address and any other relevant fields.

Next, it’s time to create an affiliate link. Affiliate links are hyperlinks that direct users to a certain product or service on another website. In return for directing traffic to their site through these links (which they will pay you a commission on), they will give you a small percentage of their earnings in return — typically anywhere from 2% — 50%.

To make things easier, use an online sales platform like ClickFunnels that allows you to set up all of these elements quickly and easily within one application so that once everything is ready-to-go it’s just one click away from being live on the internet!

Use a Sales-Optimized Platform Like Clickfunnels

If you are a marketing professional, Clickfunnels is the perfect solution for creating a sales-optimized platform. It is an all-in-one tool that allows you to build landing pages and sales funnels with ease.

Clickfunnels has been used by many successful affiliate marketers to create a professional looking website for their business. You can also use it to build email lists, manage leads and generate sales pages in minutes!

Start a YouTube Channel and Review Products

If you love to talk about the latest gadgets, products and trends, then affiliate marketing is a great way for you to make money online. Just create a video review of any product that you like and share it on YouTube with an affiliate link in the description.

This will lead viewers to your product page where they can buy the product using their credit cards. All you have to do is add some text links in your videos which gives visitors an opportunity to browse through other related articles and products on your website or blog if they want more information before making a purchase decision.

When people click those links on Google Ads (Adsense), then Google will pay you according to their pay-per-click system.

Publish an eBook

Publishing an eBook is one of the easiest ways to make money online. You can create a simple eBook in just a few hours and publish it on your own website or Amazon.

The great thing about eBooks is that they’re extremely easy to make and sell, especially if you already have some experience with writing! All you need to do is write up a bunch of information into a document, then upload it as an eBook onto your site or Amazon.

If someone buys the book from you directly, then they will be redirected back to where they purchased after they download it so that they can access their purchase immediately. Otherwise, if someone buys from Amazon (or any other marketplace), then their customer service team will send them the link automatically after their payment has cleared.

Guest Post on Influencer Blogs

  • You can get more exposure for your brand.
  • You can build relationships with influencers.
  • You can get a link back to your site as well as traffic from their audience.

Offer Free Consultations on Social Media

As you begin to offer free consultations on social media, you want to make sure that the person feels comfortable asking questions. The best way to do this is by getting a clear understanding of their problem and what they’re looking for from your answer. You can do this by asking open-ended questions like “What are some things that have been holding you back?” or “Where do you feel stuck?” These types of questions will give them the opportunity to tell you exactly what they need help with and allow them to feel comfortable enough in telling someone else about it.

Once they share their issue with you, it’s time for your part: offering solutions! When offering solutions, make sure that whatever solution(s) you provide are directly related to the problem they mentioned — otherwise there may not be much use in giving advice at all given how vague it might be compared against other options available out there today (which could include other products or services). If possible though, consider including additional information on how these problems might affect others too as well — this way people who might not necessarily need help themselves but know someone who does may still find value within these answers too!

With affiliate marketing you can make money by promoting other people’s products.

With affiliate marketing, you can make money by promoting other people’s products.

This is perfect for those who don’t want to create their own product but still want to get paid for what they do online.

You don’t need an expensive website or big advertising budget. All you need are some skills in blogging and content creation, plus the ability to build relationships with bloggers who might be interested in working together with you on a project.


If you are looking for ways to make money online, then affiliate marketing is a great option. It’s simple to get started and the earning potential is huge. You can use the tips outlined above to get your affiliate marketing business off the ground and start making money today!

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Steven Droege
Steven Droege

Written by Steven Droege

Steve is a passionate entrepreneur & founder of CashFlowMarketer:

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