BEWARE: The 92% Rule For Affiliate Marketing

Steven Droege
3 min readDec 8, 2022


Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

Your business niche is becoming more competitive by the SECOND…

This is GREAT!

But… it means you need to stand out…

Use this to stand out

FACT: 92% of consumers read online reviews when deciding if they’re going to purchase anything.

And if you’re human (which I hope you are), you’ve probably done it too!

Look, if you’ve scrolled on social media for even a second, you’ve seen DOZENS of people saying things like:

“I made $10k this week on autopilot!”

“I work 3 hours a day and make 6 figures!”

“I got rich the lazy way!”

Are they telling the truth?

Some are…

Most AREN’T…

Full Disclosure: I’m guilty of talking about myself and making that kind of content.

It’s a HUGE mistake!

Here’s the secret…

“Customers don’t care how much money you make. They care how much money you can MAKE THEM.”

In other words, people want to see testimonials & reviews…

It all comes down to one word; trust.

And most affiliate marketers can’t prove they’re getting anyone results…

As Warren Buffett once said, “You never know who’s swimming naked until the tide goes out.”

No matter who you learn from, make them prove to you that they are getting other people results.

Here’s how

On our site, you won’t find a single page that doesn’t have reviews from people.

The secret to your success is in getting reviews from people.

So, how do you get reviews if you’re just getting started?

Let’s dig into that…

It’s called “Testimonial Marketing”

It means leading your marketing with other people’s success stories… Instead of talking about your success…

Check this out…

Image sourced from

There are two types of testimonial marketing to focus on:

1. Static testimonials

2. Video testimonials

Static testimonials are easier to get because they just involve taking a screenshot of a person saying something nice about you & your business.

Collect your testimonials in a folder where you can access them later & add them to your videos, your emails, & your website.

To earn those testimonials: Start going out to free places like Quora, Facebook groups, and reddit with the sole mission to help answer people’s questions in the niche you chose!

There is no shortage of people to help… EVER…

The one drawback to static testimonials is that people can fake them…

Anyone can pay a few people to write a few nice sentences…

Still, they are a seriously valuable tool for you…

Video testimonials offer far more credibility because they are much harder to “fake”.

When people speak to the camera, others can see their body language, facial expressions, passion, and much more.

Video testimonials also offer up more information in less time compared to static.

Logistics and time are the biggest challenges with getting video testimonials. And, many people don’t feel comfortable on video.

Still, the easiest way to get these testimonials is to ask for them!

And with numbers like the ones below… It’s worth asking people!

By the way, I can show you how to get these results, just like our many successful students.

We have all the resources for you to crank out success:

Click here to get FREE One on One Video Coaching on Facebook Live

Click here to become a CashFlowMarketer Affiliate & Earn Money Online

Click here to GET STARTED with our FREE Affiliate Marketing Training

To your success,

Steven Droege

CashFlowMarketer LLC

