Discover A Team Building Activity You Can’t Do Without…
Do you want to build an unbreakable team in your business? This is how…
I was sitting on the couch yesterday, sipping on a delicious cup of tea; a warm Hawaiian breeze flowed into our home.
Then, I received a text from one of my mentors. He was thrilled to share a team-building concept he learned from his recent business retreat in Fiji.
The timing was perfect because I was thinking about leadership and what separates poor-performance and high-performance teams.
I had a hard time figuring out why some teams look great on paper but fall apart in practice. That meant most of the traditional team-building advice I learned in the military couldn’t be the best advice out there.
That made me feel like I was missing something critical, as though I’m not giving you the best information available.
Then I started thinking, what can I tell you about team-building and leadership that wasn’t said already. I felt like whatever I wrote to you would be something you’ve heard before… I didn’t know how to get around that.
However, what he shared with me yesterday blew my mind.
- He started by asking me to write a horizontal line.
- On the left end of the line, he had me write the word “Birth.”
- On the right end of the line, he had me write the word “Today.”
- Birth < — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — →Today
- Then he had me start writing my important memories (good and bad) from birth until today.
- The timeline looked like the stock market.
- He had me share my timeline with my team.
- Then, he directed me to have each team member create their timeline and share it.
Everything changed at that moment because I understood people’s highs and lows like never before.
So I decided to write this blog so that I could share this valuable team-building exercise with you.
But I had an issue…
This exercise exposes people at their deepest levels, and it’s scary to be this vulnerable.
In the end, this also becomes a trust exercise that team members won’t judge each other.
Pre-framing this exercise as a trust exercise that builds rapport allows us to do this exercise and know that we’re not exposing ourselves to judgment and criticism.
This pre-frame permits us to share our deepest memories (sometimes for the first time) and develop an instant connection to the people in our lives.
What this means is that we can all become closer as team members and friends. We stop seeing each other as co-workers and start seeing each other as a support system that holds each other’s secrets; it binds people together like glue.
Most importantly, I was able to share the peaks and valleys of my life.
All of this means we can learn more about ourselves, grow, and understand the people around us at a deeper level.
I want you to take away from this story that titles, a chain of command, and organization charts don’t produce effective teams. Leaders build effective teams that get results. And, leaders don’t run their business by spreadsheets. They get to know who their people are, at their cores. Use this exercise to increase the rapport, trust, and connection of your team.
Get my FREE 5-step program, “Lead Your Life.” Use this simple program to learn how to rapidly improve your business and your life by creating a leadership movement.
Lead Your Life will help you increase your time freedom and have more time with people you love, all while showing you how to use leadership to increase your income.