For Leaders Who Dare To Be Rich!
Do you know the subtle difference between wanting and choosing?
When I got started in personal development, my only client was myself. I wanted to become more, to have more, and to do more. However, I didn’t see great results.
I read books on money, leadership, business, mindset, spirituality, and fitness. Still, it seemed no matter how much I read; I didn’t get the results I wanted.
I felt like most personal development books were lying to me to get a book sale. It made me irritated and confused.
The issue was that I needed to break free from the low environment I lived within. It was toxic, and if I didn’t figure out how to escape my environment, I was afraid I would become nothing, just like the people around me.
But then I finally read a book that gave me the insight I needed…
I read a book called “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Eker. From reading it, I recognized that he used the word “commit” many times.
I saw that I wanted success for the first time, just like a person wants to win the lottery. But, I wasn’t committing to success. The difference between the two is action.
I was reading many books, finishing one and moving to the next, and I could have a conversation about leadership, business, fitness, and other personal development topics. I could even recite parts of the books, but I wasn’t practicing what I read; I thought taking action meant I just needed to read.
When I noticed the difference in these words, I committed to wealth and committed to taking action on what I learned.
But I had a problem…
Suddenly I found myself taking TOO MUCH action! I started buying courses, going to seminars, and searching for the “secret” that I was missing to become successful.
I thought someone out there knew something I don’t. It got me into massive amounts of debt, and I mostly learned information that I could find in books or online for free.
I overcame this cycle when I realized that my behavior stemmed from wanting someone to give me an easy way to success. Understanding and acknowledging this point allowed me to understand how to achieve success.
Write this down or highlight it: Our success comes from what we do in the first hour after waking up.
So, to want is to dream without taking action or look for someone else to give you the easy way out. To choose is to do.
Always choose to do.
When I committed to action, I achieved more wealth, freedom, and fulfillment than I had in the past two decades.
I became a person who takes action, my wife became a person who takes action, and we can teach our children to be leaders who produce more in less time.
I feel fulfilled and proud because my family will never have to waste years and learn lessons (the hard way) as I did. I can shortcut their path to success.
Since you’re an action-taker, your next step is to get your FREE master guide, “Lead Your Life.” Imagine if you achieved all of your goals in the next 12 months. How would you feel looking back on yourself a year from now?
Get your FREE copy of Lead Your Life, and I’ll show you how to use leadership to get what you want from life.
Talk soon,