How Any Business Leader Can Have More Free Time In As Little As 10 Minutes… Guaranteed!

Steven Droege
3 min readNov 21, 2020


To reach any goal, we need to visualize it. What you’re about to learn is a fantastic visualization technique that ordinary people don’t know.

I think back to who I was when I started craving more success in life. The options seemed endless, and everyone seemed to have the answer. I had no idea where to begin…

When I got started on my success journey, I didn’t know anything about personal development. I wanted to get my first girlfriend, but my social skills were off.

My struggle was that I didn’t understand the opposite sex. Women confused me.

I felt like I was in over my head, trying to learn more about women.

I used to think of the opposite sex like a math problem to solve.

That is until my first mentor said something that changed my life and introduced me to personal development.

He said, “You attract others by first becoming attractive.”

He showed me a new way because I was trying to attract the opposite sex (big mistake). However, his insight shifted my perspective. I instead became obsessed with becoming my most attractive self.

I planned to grow myself, become the attractive person I saw in my vision, and work hard to achieve it.

But it wasn’t that simple…

I committed to becoming the best I could be, but I had no idea where to begin.

After a decade of trial and error, I learned this incredible technique from Hal Elrod, author of Miracle Morning Millionaires.

When you visualize your goals in the way I’m about to show you; you’ll supercharge your success.

The Big Idea: Write a letter as though you are your future (ideal) self, teaching and encouraging your past-self to achieve your vision (6 steps).

1. Visualize the future as if you are there. Sit in a comfortable place, close your eyes, clear your mind, and let go of any limitations as you prepare your mind for visualizing. Think about what you want, in detail, seeing, feeling, tasting, hearing, and smelling it. Lastly, imagine yourself taking the actions you need to reach your dreams (and enjoying the process). See yourself succeeding with confidence, skill, and charisma.

2. Create your vision without any fears or doubts. Remember that an inspiring vision costs you nothing. It’s no harder to think big than it is to think small.

3. Write your letter from your future-self to your past-self in the present tense. Write as though you are your future-self and already have everything you want.

4. Tie your vision to your emotions. Don’t visualize anything that doesn’t give you strong feelings.

5. Don’t worry about how your visualization will come true. Vision is about the life you want, not how you’ll get it.

6. Come back to the present. Your wealth is at the intersection of:

Skills | Opportunity |Passion

We can’t have wealth if we’re missing any of these three elements.

This exercise gave me the power to visualize the right way. Visualizing (correctly) allowed me to create plans that consistently achieve my goals.

In the end, this means that I became the person in my visions. It also changed me into a world-class leader who gets results, works less, earns more and never misses important moments in my family’s lives.

I’m blessed to find fulfillment in teaching these systems to other wonderful people who want much more from life.

Your next step is to get my FREE guide Lead Your Life. I’m going to reveal secrets you can use to make the next 12 months the best in your life.

Lead Your Life will show you how to become a world-class leader who gets what he wants from life using leadership.

I look forward to working together, and I can’t wait to hear your success story!

Always in your corner,




Steven Droege
Steven Droege

Written by Steven Droege

Steve is a passionate entrepreneur & founder of CashFlowMarketer:

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