How The Experts Build Multiple Streams Of Income, Guaranteed!

Steven Droege
3 min readNov 25, 2020


I’m going to share a system that produces predictable success, but it requires a leader that’s ready to take action. Read on…

What if you had a system that produces predictable wealth without guesswork? What if you knew that you could follow this path and feel confident that you’re on the right track to getting what you want?

The system exists, and it’s six steps. All you need to do is fit it to your situation. Here we go…

  1. How Are You Unique?

Every person living is different than the next person, and nobody who exists now will ever exist again. Your ultimate advantage is you.

What strengths do you possess that others don’t?

What knowledge, abilities, and experience come so easily to you that they’re like breathing?

What’s easy to you seems hard to others, and they’ll pay you for it.

Leverage your unique gifts by learning more about them. Education is always the most significant multiplier of your strengths.

2. Who Is Your Perfect Customer?

Now that you’ve identified where you’re strong, who are you best equipped to serve? You need to know the characteristics of your perfect customer.

If you could have an email list full of your most qualified customers, what characteristics would they have?

My passion for leadership makes my perfect customer one who desires the skills and tools to make more money and have more free time by becoming a world-class leader in their organization.

3. Create A Movement

Think about the legendary leaders in human history, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, etc. All legendary leaders created a movement around their cause.

These leaders found their perfect customers and created a movement by giving them a future to look forward to.

You need to build a supportive community of your perfect customers around your cause. It’s never been more simple with tools like social media and email.

4. Provide Your Perfect Customer’s a Solution

Ask your followers what they want, then make a solution for them. If I asked you what you want, and you said, “I want to be a millionaire,” you would find value in a step-by-step blueprint that can make you a millionaire.

Your solution will come in the form of a product or a service. Your perfect customer will get something from you, or you’ll do something for them.

Make sure your solution does not improve your perfect customer’s life but instead offers them a future. People don’t want a better version of something; they want new solutions.

5. Pre-sell

If you think about movies, they never launch the film without teasing it months in advance. Movie companies create trailers, ads, interviews, and the actors promote on T.V. and social media.

Tell your perfect customers about your solution well before they can buy it. By the time you launch, you’ve built a buzz around your offer, and people are ready to buy.

6. Leverage experience

Find people who have already done what you want to do, and learn how they did it. It’s highly unlikely that no one has ever accomplished what you want to do.

A simple question to ask yourself before learning from anyone is, “Has this person successfully done what I want to do?” If your family member has never made $1 million, don’t ask them how to make $1 million.

Use this six-step system, and you’ll look back on yourself in amazement at what you’ve accomplished 12 months from now.

Now that you have the system for success, you need other people’s help to achieve results. The next step is to get to your FREE Lead Your Life master guide.

Lead Your Life will show you how to 10x your influence, so other people get excited to help you achieve your dreams.



Steven Droege
Steven Droege

Written by Steven Droege

Steve is a passionate entrepreneur & founder of CashFlowMarketer:

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