How to Make Your Next 12 Months Your Best 12 Months In Less Than 5 Minutes

Steven Droege
4 min readNov 12, 2020


What if you looked back on your life a year from now and saw that this simple story gave you the life you’ve always dreamed of having. Imagine having what you want, and transforming the rest of your life.

Leaders have two communication styles, but only one type ever wins.

I was recently reflecting on our business and the messages we communicate to you because I always want us to stay connected.

I want you to be able to look back on yourself a year from now and feel joy knowing how far you’ve come as a leader; we always want to talk about the future.

But I caught myself getting caught up in the wrong communication style; even the most outstanding leaders can fall victim to this mistake if they’re not careful. Let me explain…

I felt frustrated recently because I want to help millions of people look back on themselves years from now and feel fulfilled as leaders making a dent in the universe.

But, I’ve been guilty of communicating a leadership message that’s doesn’t work. I’ve been guilty of a disease called “er.

However, a recent reflection helped me catch “er.” My next sentence will benefit you and your family for the rest of your life…

I learned that every leader communicates one of two messages. Communication style #1 is “er.” We’re guilty of “er” when we try to offer people something that’s an improvement to their life.

You know you’re communicating this message to people when you tell them how your product or service will make them “better,” “stronger,” “smarter,” “richer,” anything “er.

Offering our products and services as an improvement is the worst way to market what we have. People don’t want improvement; they want a new opportunity.

Communication style #2 is to paint your customer’s future with you in it. The leaders who always win create a movement by showing people a vision of the future.

For example, the U.S. president who wins elections is always the best at painting the American people’s future vision. The loser always focuses on a message to improve the country.

Since realizing this distinction, I can show you where you’ll be a year after getting my books and courses.

I’m able to show you that a year from now, you’ll look back on getting my FREE “Lead Your Life” master guide and realize you have more free time with the people you love; you’re working less, making more, and never miss important moments any more.

You’ll feel free and confident because you have control over your life, while others feel out of control.

After realizing I needed to paint what “Lead Your Life can do for your future, instead of talking about how it improves the present, I built our leadership program around who you want to become a year from now to help you get what you want in your life & business.

But I still had to figure out what idea to build the course around…

To overcome this challenge, I thought if it were a year from now, you would love to have more time to do the things you love with the people you love.

That allows me to use “Lead Your Life” to show you how a year from now you’ll be working less, so you can get back to the essential things in your life, like family, friends, and relationships.

For us, this meant that my wife and I could show the people we love how to eliminate stress from their lives and stop feeling trapped by their work.

In the end, it meant we could have more time and create more memories with our dear friends and family.

Ultimately, my wife and I are passionate about leadership and creating leadership movements that get the people we love to the next level of life.

I’m more fulfilled than I ever remember because every day, I get to live out my mission of helping people make the next 12 months their best 12 months.

Your biggest takeaway from this story is that leaders paint the future vision for the people they lead; they offer new opportunities. Leaders don’t provide people improvement on what already exists. Don’t fall victim to the “er” disease.

Your next step is to get my free master guide, “Lead Your Life,and see yourself a year from now when you have more time with the people you love. You’ll feel proud of who you’ve become since 12 months ago, and it will take less than 5 minutes a day.



Steven Droege
Steven Droege

Written by Steven Droege

Steve is a passionate entrepreneur & founder of CashFlowMarketer:

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