Inspiring Ideas From Leadership Experts
Today I’m going to share a story about a mentor I had a decade ago who taught me something important that we can all use.
This morning I didn’t feel like waking up at 5 a.m., let alone walk 5 miles or writing this blog. Getting up, walking, reflecting, and writing almost always thrills me. However, today was a day where I wasn’t feeling it.
I want to change the world and create a legacy that my family can proudly share with others, and I love to help people reach their peak performance.
However, this morning I was having a hard time leading myself to do anything. What that meant was that I wanted to go back to bed and put my dreams on pause.
At the moment, it made me feel good to lay in bed and not do anything. But, there’s this inner voice that made me feel guilty for not getting up. The good cop / bad cop routine going on in my head made me feel conflicted.
Then I started justifying my decision to do nothing and felt like giving up and letting comfort win.
And then, out of nowhere, a thought struck me like lightning…
I remembered the words of one of my business mentors that changed everything. Over a decade ago, he said, “you can let your feelings control your actions, or let your actions control your feelings.”
As a result of remembering his words, I was able to fly out of bed and get out into the rain to do my 5 miles of “road work.” We only saw two people walking this morning, and I believe it’s because everyone else lets their feelings control their actions.
Anyway, I decided to plan what I would write about during my walk around Oahu to deliver incredible value to your lives.
But, I had a problem this morning…
I still had to deal with not feeling great. Understand, just because I got out of bed and took action didn’t mean that the way I felt disappeared instantly.
In the end, I remembered the words of the late Gary Halbert,
“So what I do when, like today, I don’t feel like working, is that I start working anyway, and I pay attention to what signals my brain and body is sending me. After working a while, if I honestly do start to feel worse, I will stop and quit. However, if I feel a little bit crummy (as I do now), I keep on plugging along.”
That allowed me to push forward, which meant I could now write you this article, which allowed me to produce meaningful content and feel a sense of achievement.
When it’s all said and done, I’ve overcome my feelings and replace them with feelings of excitement. All of this means my family will see that I lead by example and pushed forward towards our dreams.
I want you to get from this that you can let your feelings control your actions, or your actions control your feelings (most people choose the former).
So what this means to you in your life/business is you can always choose how you Lead Your Life.
Here’s your next step related to what we shared: Check out the Lead Your Life special report, and learn the powerful principles every entrepreneur needs to thrive in business and life.