Learn How To Add Income To Your Pocket Without Any Extra Time or Work…
In yesterday’s article, I talked about my wife and me breaking free from the grip of bad debt. Today, I’ll show you how to add income.
First, we broke free when we finally made the decision that we would become millionaires.
Your journey begins by deciding that you will be rich. Once you decide, you need to commit. The difference between those that decide and those that commit is action.
Have you decided? Do you commit? If so, keep reading…
Much of the process of building wealth is FREE. Have you heard that saying, “it takes money to make money”? It’s a lie.
I felt unstoppable the first time I committed to being wealthy. Motivation is fantastic, and you need to do some simple math on top of it.
Give yourself a monthly (passive) income that you want to achieve; write it down. Let’s say it’s $10,000; break it down into something valuable you can offer the market.
What can you create that people will pay $50 a month to have? If 200 people pay $50 a month, you make $10,000 a month. If 100 people spend $50 a month, you’ll earn $10,000 a month.
1. Choose your monthly income goal
2. Do the math to figure out how many people you need to help to get that goal.
I’ll wait…
Now that you’ve committed to wealth and figured out the math, let’s build a strategy around it.
Step one of my wealth system is to add income. How do you add income? Any way you can! Adding income requires a commitment to doing what it takes.
When my wife and I were broke, we sold things around our home, sold our cars, sold clothing, electronics, looked for ways to take our jobs, and created extra income during work hours.
Here’s how I want you to think, imagine you’re a photographer selling photo shoots. You can only do so many shoots in a day, right?
What if you upsell 3D moving pictures? You can give them a static photoshoot for one price, with an option to upgrade their shots to 3D moving photos. Right there, you’ve increased your income without getting a second job or taking yourself away from what you’re already doing.
The vital takeaway is to create more income branches inside of what you’re already doing. Give your income your attention, don’t think about complaining, and see yourself as your own business.
The easiest way to add income is to get in front of the people who already have the income to give you. We all have 24 hours in a day; the wealthiest people give more of their attention to the people giving them money. Are you?
I once heard someone say, “when you hang around people who can’t pay, you eventually become a person who can’t pay.” Think of your time as money; are you giving your time to trash or cash? For years I gave it to trash.
I gave my time to trash because I never gave most of my time to the people who had income and wanted what I have.
As you increase your income, aim to pay yourself at least 10% of everything you receive. For example, imagine picking apples; what if you picked ten apples and kept one in a basket for yourself? You’d have one apple set aside.
What if you took that basket with one apple and picked ten more apples the next day? You’d have two apples set aside.
What if you went out with two apples and picked ten more apples the next day? You’d have three apples set aside… And on, and on… Your reserve of apples would start filling up the basket so quickly you wouldn’t have room for any more apples.
That’s our goal with your bank account…
Here are your takeaways from this article:
1. Decide to be wealthy
2. Figure out the math: Customers x sales or subscriptions per month = monthly income goal
3. Add income, preferably by creating new branches to get paid from what you already do for work.
4. Set aside at least 10% of everything you get.
5. Give your money the attention it deserves
6. Complaining never made anyone wealthy
7. Run yourself like you would run a business because you are your own business.
Your next step is to get my FREE master guide, “Lead Your Life.” I’m going to help you make the next 12 months of your life the most amazing 12 months of your life.
Imagine looking back on yourself a year from now with pride and excitement for what you’ve accomplished. Lead Your Life will show you how you can have more time with the people you love and to do the things you love.
I want you to savor life while taking care of the issue of money, once and for all. You and your family deserve the best things this planet has to offer.
I’ll see you on the other side,