To The Hungry Ones With A Dream In Their Heart…
Growing up I didn’t have the money for a McChicken at McDonalds, but I always had a dream in my heart. Today is a lesson you’ll never forget…
I’m going through this crazy stretch right now where things are coming together beautifully, but I have to make some massive decisions, fast.
A string of beautiful opportunities in the form of interviews and networking opportunities has presented themselves to my wife and me, however (as is the case with rare opportunities).
I dream of using our children’s book “The Brave Bunch” to touch the hearts and minds of millions of children across the United States.
That sort of reach requires large platforms, and enormous platforms often come with opportunity costs (time and money).
Right now, we’re scared, no way around that. It’s hard not to imagine what could happen, “what if X? Y? or Z?”
But we’re not letting any of the “what ifs” stop us; we’re taking action anyway. We realized a few lessons as we negotiate this deal to reach millions of people next year across multiple social media and T.V. platforms.
The biggest lessons we’re realizing are:
1. The “perfect moment” is a myth.
2. Even when we don’t feel like we’re ready, where there’s determination, there’s a way.
If you’re waiting for the perfect moment to do anything, you’ll be waiting a very long time.
If the mind tells you that you shouldn’t do something you desire, doubt the doubt and commit to taking action and figuring it out along the way.
The best things that have ever happened in our life; marriage, financial freedom, moving to Hawaii, and many more, occurred at an imperfect moment.
So we plan to push through the discomfort, invest the money and time we feel like we don’t have, and take to heart that we will succeed because no matter what, we will learn and grow.
This mindset allows us to push forward with conviction, knowing we have each other. Our family will benefit because we’ll inspire their actions and show them that anything is possible when we live with determination.
Ultimately, we can’t say too much right now, but we will be sharing our story and our message from The Brave Bunch to millions of parents and children next year.
The Brave Bunch is a children’s story about bravery and confidence. This challenge in our life is the perfect opportunity for us to live these principles as we reach up.
I want you to remember that determination is your key to rising above anything as a leader. A year from now, you will look at yourself, amazed at who you’ve become because you stared down your fear and took action.
Your next step is to get our children’s book, The Brave Bunch. Let the colorful pages fill you and the kids in your life with happiness, bravery, and confidence as you bond over its timeless lessons.
Get your copy today, and I’ll look forward to hearing your success stories.
With love,